CT PRIME is an association sponsored non-profit captive insurance company, sponsored by CREC, owned and operated by its members and open to all CT towns and schools. The captive structure allows the pooling of health benefit risk, optimizing flexibility as commercial market conditions change. In 2020, CT PRIME transferred 100% of its members’ stop loss risk to Gerber Life, an A rated commercial insurer. Members are individually underwritten and rated, and all decisions are made by the Board, with input from qualified advisors:
- Board of Directors: Six member representatives
- Administration and Captive Sponsor: CREC
- Captive Management: Marsh Captive Services
- Underwriting and Claim Oversight: Gallagher
- Re/Insurance: Gerber Life, Inc.
- Reinsurance Brokerage: Gallagher
- Legal: Rogin Nassau
- Actuarial: Marsh Captive Services
- Investments: Wilmington Trust
- Auditor: Crowe Horwath
Board of Directors
Vince Masciana (Cheshire) – President
Carlos Figueroa (CREC)
Keri Rowley (Glastonbury)
Michael O’Neil (Wethersfield) – Vice President
Peter Souza (Windsor) – Secretary/Treasurer
Patricia Proctor (BOE) & Jason Lathrop (Town) (W. Locks)
Deer Oaks provides comprehensive, cost-effective Employee Assistance services for members of CT PRIME, and is available to any municipality or school district in CT at preferred pricing negotiated by CT PRIME after a comprehensive selection process. Deer Oaks is a national EAP organization specializing in providing services for state agencies, municipalities, and school districts. Deer Oaks offers much more than traditional EAP services including life management concierge services and counseling specifically for first responders and their families.
For more information visit Deer Oaks EAP at www.deeroakseap.com. If interested in enjoying CT PRIME’s preferred rates, contact Cara Hart at chart@crec.org.
CT PRIME has partnered with Livongo to offer the Livongo for Diabetes Program to our members. Livongo for Diabetes makes living with diabetes easier by providing members with a connected meter, unlimited strips, and coaching. This program is offered at no cost to member employees and eligible family members who have diabetes and medical coverage through the health plan.
Visit us at www.livongo.com